We Service Lexington KY and a few surrounding areas!  

Click here for Free Estimate

  • Our Fertilization and Weed-Control is tailored to the Lexington area.  Not a big national franchise.  
  • Dependable!  We have always completed out mowing routes every week.  (No spill over into the next week)
  • Check out our reviews online! (4.9/5 on Google)
  • Same friendly faces every week that you can talk too!
  • Easy, monthly, automated credit card payments! (online/hassle free). Use Epic to get those credit card points!
  • Competitive pricing!
  • Locally owned and operated!  Owner is a Kentucky native and graduated from Tates Creek Highschool and the University of Kentucky!  
  • Fully licensed and insured!
  • We answer the phone or return the call in a quick and respectful manner!
  • Special notes to your property can be saved to your profile that our crews have to sign off on with their tablets before they begin the job such as "make sure gate is shut or dog will escape"!
  • Free Estimates!  

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